WorkSiteDocument PropertiesMocom WorkSite Library API

The WorkSiteDocument type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAuthor
Gets or sets author of the document.
Public propertyCheckedOutLocation
Gets the name of the PC that the document is currently checked out on.
Public propertyCheckedOutPath
Gets path that the document is currently checked out to.
Public propertyCheckedOutTo
Gets the name of the user that the document is currently checked out to.
Public propertyClient
Gets or sets Custom Field 1 usually used for 'Client' in WorkSite - parent field for Custom field 2. The client number must be a valid entry in the WorkSite Database.
Public propertyComment
Gets or sets the comments on a document.
Public propertyCreatedDate
Gets the date and time the document was created.
Public propertyDescription
Gets or sets the description to give the document in WorkSite.
Public propertyDocumentClass
Gets or sets the class of document such as Discussion, Memo etc.
Public propertyDocumentNumber
Gets or sets the ID of the document once it has been imported into WorkSite.
Public propertyDocumentType
Gets or sets the type of document as set in the WorkSite database. e.g Word 2007
Public propertyDocumentVersion
Gets or sets the Version of the document once it has been imported into WorkSite.
Public propertyDocumentVersions
Gets the available versions of a document.
Public propertyEditDate
Gets or sets the edit date of a document.
Public propertyFilename
Gets or sets the path to the file on the local hard drive.
Public propertyFolderObjectId
Sets the folder object id for this document - use when adding a new document to specify a folder to link the document to.
Public propertyImportInheritanceOptions
Gets or sets the options for folder inheritance if the document is imported into WorkSite
Public propertyIsCheckedOut
Gets the checked out status of the document.
Public propertyMatter
Gets or sets Custom Field 2 usually used for 'Matter' in WorkSite - a child field for Custom Field 2 or 'Client'. The correct value for the associated Client must be set in the client property, and the Matter number must exist in the WorkSite Database.
Public propertyName
Gets or sets the name of the document.
Public propertyOperator
Gets or sets operator/user of the document.
See Also
